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Droid VPN Premium Setting (Fast and Stable)

 Droid VPN is a software service which can be used to access internet anonymously and bypass network restrictions as well providing FREE INTERNET

It works on Mobile devices and Computers (Desktops and Laptops)

Here is a quick look of the challenges you are likrly to encounter while operating this VPN

1. Server is full ( Each server has a maximum number of users hence if the maximum number is reached, it displays Server is full)

2. Engine did not respond to start command

3. Socket Blind lock failed

4. Authentication Timeout

If you have ever encountered any of these challeges, there are 3 possible solutions;

1. upgrading to Droid premium

2. Employing Fast and stable Settings

3. use of network optimizers. 

These may include HPSA+ Optimizer, L4D PingTool, Conkeeper optimizer among others 

But for today, we are going to look at

Droid VPN Fast and stable Premium settings

Provided these settings, yopur FREE account will act like a premium one. 

These settings will help you to have faster speeds and stability on your free account. These settings will work on all networks. 

Download Droid VPN from the playstore or website

(For the first of using this VPN, you shoul have a little data to update the Serverlist)

This might between 15 seconds and 1 minutes. Therefore, for the first time to use Droid VPN, you should be having like 5 megabytes on your simcard and a stable Internet connection for downloading the servers. 

After updating the server list, 

Then click at Settings and select UPD connection settings. 

1. Select UPD Connection settings

UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol: Use this Network Protocol for bypassing network restrictions and getting free Internet access on all networks. 

Within the UPD connection Settings, 

i) Remote UPD Port -----------8000

ii) Local UPD Port -------------2000

iii) Enable UPD port Scanning

iv) Also Enable Auto Port Scan

v) UPD Connection Mode------------Mode 1

UPD Connection Mode 1 Settings

i) Max TCount Value-------------1000

ii) Max R Count Value-----------4

Press back to <settings>

2. Select VPN Connection setting

i) MTU size to use on TUN Device ----------------1024

Go back and enter your account details

If you dont have an account, click to create an account. 

You will need to be having an active email address preferably for Gmail. Then select sign up for account. Enter your email address and a preferred strong password. An activation link shall be sent to your email address. 

Ensure to check through the Spam folder if you are unable to see the activation email. 

Click the activation link in the email to activate your account. After your account is activated, enter your details in droid vpn that is the username and password. 

3. Select any free server 

Servers with less traffic give faster experiences. 


You have won your self a free Droid VPN Premium account. 

Droid VPN Premium Account details. 

Username:  muyinda

Password :   82701252

Save and connect to any premium server

You are also encouraged to use servers which are nearer to your country to have fastest speeds. 

4. Then you Tap START to get connected. Give it 15 seconds to 2 minutes to connect.

You are advised NOT to stop the VPN while it is connecting to avoid errors like Engine no longer responding to Start command. 


  1. Y doest it work on samsung
    1. Thanks
  2. Verified Twitter
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  3. Verified Twitter
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  4. It doesn't work
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